Browse Listings
This module closely examines policies and procedures as they relate to Assistive Technology in the Illinois Early Intervention Services System.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This training provides an overview of Authentic Assessment in early intervention including what it is and why it is important.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
These in-depth modules provide comprehensive information on how to recognizing abuse and neglect, and what to do if you suspect abuse.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
The ECTA Center and DaSy Center created a self-paced, online learning module that provides key information about the COS process, and the practices that contribute to consistent and meaningful COS decision-making.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This training provides an overview of the family assessment processes in Illinois' Early Intervention system.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This online course will review 5 major themes in the provision of Part C early intervention services, which have been culled from more than forty years of research, model demonstration projects, and wisdom and experience from providers and families.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This presentation is broken up into eight mini modules and will provide an overview of the process for billing insurance as a provider in the Illinois early intervention system.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This course is meant to share an understanding of typical motor development at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months of age.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
The focus of this training event is on culture and language, and how they impact our work with infants and toddlers with special needs and their families.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This module is intended to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the 7 Key Principles for providing early intervention services.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This training will provide information about the federal requirement for services in the child’s natural environment as well as further examine Illinois’ processes and procedures to make changes to the frequency, intensity or location of services on the Individualized Family Service Plan.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
Within this training, you will receive an overview of the early intervention mission and key principles, State and Federal rules/regulations; roles and responsibilities of early interventionists; parents' rights/procedural safeguards; evaluation and assessment process; eligibility criteria; IFSP development and implementation of the IFSP; monitoring and reviewing the IFSP, and transition planning.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This module will provide an overview of eligibility in Illinois’ Early Intervention System and will provide clarification to common misconceptions about eligibility. Strategies for determining eligibility will be shared.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This training is designed to give you the basic facts about being a parent liaison in the Illinois Early Intervention System.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This interactive presentation provides an overview of the Illinois Early Intervention (IL EI) referral process and the 3 pathways for children and families to become eligible for IL EI services.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
The purpose of this course is to give you a foundation for understanding infant regulation and how regulation can affect a baby’s ability to reach milestones.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This module covers essential information about the devastating medical and developmental impacts of lead, discussed strategies to support lead-exposed children, particularly those not yet showing delays, as well as strategies to prevent future exposure.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
The Teaming Tidbits provide challenges, scenarios, and resources to support quality teaming behaviors introduced in the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention Module.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This module will review the Illinois Early Intervention Report Format, including required elements of the report, related policies and procedures, and will provide examples and strategies to support early interventionists in crafting high quality early intervention reports.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit
This training is intended to help participants learn about the 5 family outcomes recommended by the Early Childhood Outcome Center (ECO Center, now housed at ECTA), the three items that comprise the family indicator that needs to be reported to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the purpose of the family outcomes survey, and how service coordinator and interventionist practices can influence whether or not a family achieves these outcomes.
Listing Catalog: University of Illinois - Non-Credit