Going Paperless: Exploring Case Management Tools in a Digital World (Non-CE)
Starts Feb 21, 2025
Full course description
In the digital era and the ever-changing technology skills of the clients being served, social service agencies are evaluating how best to keep up with digital tools. Join us for a discussion about web-based case management systems and how they can be effectively implemented at your agency! This session will cover key topics such as the security of client information, accessibility of the platforms, and some of the obstacles you may experience in the transition from paper to digital records. Earn CEUs while discovering the digital tools for case management!
- Identify questions to determine if switching to digital platforms is right for your agency
- Evaluate the accessibility of technology for both clients and staff
- Recognize the obstacles and benefits in moving towards digital case management tools
Registration and CEU Information
- Register here for the Non-CE version.
- Please see the CE version if you need CEs
- The live webinar will be held February 21, 2025, from 12:00pm - 1:00pm
- Once registered, you will be able to access the course site to complete the Zoom registration to receive the link for the webinar.
Presenter: Sarah McCoy
Sarah McCoy has a graduate degree in human services from the University of Illinois at Springfield and a masters of social work from University of Illinois, completing her LCSW in April 2023. Sarah works as the Administrator for the Assistive and Information Technology Support Unit with the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) and has served as an advocate for older adults and adults with disabilities for more than 15 years in the Springfield area. Sarah’s work ensures that direct service DRS staff have the resources and tools available to best serve customers through the Home Services Program and Vocational Rehabilitation, including hardware, software, and web-based case management. Her work emphasizes the importance of accessibility to web-based platforms, software, and tools for both staff and customers.