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Interpretation of Laboratory Data

Time limit: 150 days

$115 Enroll

Full course description

A case-based approach to clinical laboratory data. Students are required to critically evaluate clinical case data, and write a summary of the case to include a description of abnormalities and pathophysiology causing the changes, differential diagnoses, and additional testing. A review of each case will be presented once you submit your write-up. 

Course Philosophy

Veterinarians interpret laboratory results almost daily in clinical practice. Evaluation of the testing incorporated in the minimum database is critical to many cases in veterinary practice. This week of professional development with allow each student to become more comfortable interpreting data and making diagnoses. The objective of this course is to help students learn to interpret clinical pathology data as it applies to actual cases.

Course Expectations

You are expected to work 3-4 hours per day for 5 days and finish this course in one week. Each day, students will analyze 4 cases, interpret the data, and write up case summaries. Then review the cases' interpretation videos demonstrated by the instructor.

Credit Hours

This course is equivalent to one elective credit hour. It's a self-paced course. You are expected to spend about 15-20 hours finishing it. See your academic institution about using this course for credit.